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Layman's Guide to some common Locksmithing & Security Terms:
Including Tips to increase your Security & save you money $...
Blade of Key
Bow of Key
Codes, Keys by
Combination Lock
Garage Door Remote Control Units
Key Lock
Keyed Different
Locksmith Associations
Lost keys
Master Key
Padlock Combinations
Skeleton Key
Blade of Key - The blade of a key is that portion of the key that inserts into the keyhole, the part that sometimes breaks off inside the lock. Locksmiths can usually remove the broken part and reconstruct the key.Back to the list of terms
Bow of Key - The bow of a key is that portion of the key that does not insert into the keyhole, the part that is held onto and which often has identifying information on it. Sometimes a code number is stamped on the bow of a key. A Security Professional can make a key from the code number. Therefore, it's a good practice to keep a written record of the information on the bows of your keys, especially car keys. If you lost your car keys you could present the code number to a Locksmith. Upon properly verifying your ownership of the car (usually requiring registration papers and drivers license), the Locksmith could make you a key from the code number.Back to the list of terms
Codes, Keys by - Often times keys can be made by a Locksmith from the code number of a lock.
This is common with vehicles, padlocks, filing cabinets, etc. Requiring
proof of ownership before cutting a key by code is a standard
procedure used by Security Professionals to safeguard security. Additional
requirements for car ignition keys may be mandated by State law
(registration, driver's license, etc.).
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Combination - A sequence
of numbers, along with corresponding directions of rotation (clockwise,
counter-clockwise) and iterations (frequency with which each number
of the sequence is dialed). If you have the sequence of numbers
for a combination but have forgotten the pattern of rotations
and iterations, you can contact your local Security Professional
for directions. Requiring proof of ownership before dispensing
these directions is a standard procedure used to
safeguard security.
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Combination Lock - A
lock which is operated by dialing (rotating a numbered dial) the
correct combination. Digital locks, where a sequence of numbers on a keypad are pressed are also considered combination locks.
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Garage Door Remote Control Units - Never leave garage door remotes in auto!!!! Thieves love to break into
cars, particularly at movie theater lots, steal the remote and vehicle
registration, go to the home, back a van up to the garage, then spend the next
two hours emptying the valuables from the house. Additionally, a quality deadlock and deadbolt are strongly recommended for the door leading from the garage into the house.
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Key Lock - A lock which requires
a key to operate, as contrasted to a combination lock.
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Keyed Alike - Locks are said
to be keyed-alike (KA) when one and only one key operates all
of them. This is in contrast to locks that are keyed-different
(KD) and not the same as locks that are Master-Keyed.
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Keyed-Different - Locks
in a group of locks that are "keyed-different" each require their
own individual keys to operate. No individual key will operate
more than one lock in the group.
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Keyway - The configuration of
grooves, millings, along the blade of a key. Just as you "can't
put a square peg in a round hole", neither can you put any
old key into any lock. The keyway of the key must coincide with
the keyway of the lock. Since a Master-key must enter all the
locks of a Master-keyed group of locks, all the locks in the group
must have keyways compatible with the Master-key.
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Locksmith / Security Associations are organizations committed to safeguarding the trust society
has placed in Security Professionals, and the Security Industry. This
is pursued in a number of ways, varying from Association to Association and from State to State.
Some principle ways are:
- Accountability - through security checks, background investigations,
fingerprinting, licensing, etc.
- Training - through ongoing hands-on classes at the local,
state and national levels, including Manufacturer and Supplier
sponsored classes and seminars.
- Education - through Association bulletins and top-notch National-level Journals, Books and Manuals.
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Lost Keys - Lost keys are one of those facts of life that make things, well - interesting. If the keys were lost near your residence or automobile, or if there was identifying information on your key-ring, then you should definitely have your locks ReKeyed by a Security Professional. If those were the last existing copies of your keys, then, after properly pounding your head against the wall and asking yourself, why you put off getting duplicates of those keys made, relax. Your local Security Professional can generate new keys for you out of thin air, and Re-key your locks at the same time if necessary. It is not necessary to buy new locks.
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Master Key - A Master
Key is a key that is designed to operate all the locks in a specific
group of locks. It is a myth that there exists a particular Master
Key that will open all locks. In order to Master-key a group of
locks the locks must all be made by the same manufacturer or at
least have interchangable Keyways.
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Master-Keyed - In a group
of locks that are Master-keyed (MK) each lock is operable by both
it's own individual key and the Master-Key. Each individual key
operates it's own lock only. The Master-Key operates all the locks
in the group. This is the simplest type of Master-Keyed set-up. Other intricate systems are also possible using sub-Masters, Grand-Masters, etc.
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Padlock Combinations
- If you've forgotten the combination of a combination-type
padlock you can contact your local Locksmith.
Most Locksmiths have code books and for a nominal charge will
provide you with the combination. Requiring proof of ownership
before providing the combination is a standard procedure used
by Locksmiths to safeguard security. If your padlock has the code number on it, make a written record of it and then obliterate the code markings. This prevents someone else from obtaining the combination to your lock or from making a key, if your padlock is of the type that uses a key.
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Rekeying - a lock...Rekeying
(changing) a lock is the process of replacing the tumblers (pins,
pin tumblers) of a lock cylinder with other tumblers of different
sizes. The lock will then require a different key to operate. The new key will coincide with the new tumblers and the old key will no longer work. In other words, it is not necessary to buy new locks. Re-keying locks is something that should be done if you have moved into a new residence or lost a set of keys. It is a good practice NOT to have any identifying information on your key ring, especially your address or phone number.
Automobile locks can be Re-keyed as well as regular door locks. Re-keying locks is usually significantly less expensive than replacing locks. Back to the list of terms
Skeleton Key - An old-fashioned key used in warded locks. While it is true that 3 or 4 basic configurations will operate a large number of warded type locks, there is none the less a great variety of this type of key. Some warded locks are very intricate and are used in institutional facilities. It is a myth that there exists a particular skeleton key that will open all locks. Back to the list of terms
Tumblers - are those parts inside a lock (key lock or safe lock) that have to be aligned to precise positions in order for the lock to operate. With a key lock, the tumblers are aligned by using the correct key. In a safe lock the tumblers are aligned by dialing the correct combination. Back to the list of terms
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