ClearStar Security Network
25th Anniversary Celebration !

* * * * *Lifetime Memberships* * * * *

Special 25th Anniversary Discount

*Name: First,  Middle Initial,  Last   (and Certification Initials, if any) :
*Company Name or Institution :
*Street Address :
*City :

  State : . . . . . . Please use 2-letter abbreviation,    example... CA

    *Zip :        Nation / Country :    example... USA

*Area Code : *Telephone Number : Fax :

*Your Email Address :

Note: If you have an email address at YAHOO.COM, any email sent
to you from ClearStar may end up in your Yahoo Spam folder.

ClearStar Membership Number

( Last 4 digits of your User-Name )


Current Membership

Skipping Trial:
Permitted (with documentation)

*Amount of Payment      All funds USD  
Lifetime Membership   at Special 25th Anniversary Discounted Amount!     $125.25    

If paying by Credit Card now fill in the boxes below...

Select One

*Card Number
*Expiration Date

4 digits ONLY

2 for Month &

2 for Year

example: 0723

*Card ID Number (CVV2, CID)--------------->

3 digits on back of VISA and Mastercard

( 4 digits on front of American Express card )

examples: 321  or  1234


Your User-Name and Password are for your own personal use only. It is strictly prohibited to share your Password with anyone for any reason (immediate family members ONLY excepted).

This policy is necessary to keep ClearStar secure and strong. If you have a locksmith or safe-tech friend who would like to see what ClearStar is all about - FREE Trial Memberships are available.

If at any time you have shared your Password with anyone - please request a new one. There is no penalty or blame assessed for requesting a new Password. In such a case you would be doing ClearStar a disservice not to request one.

Members who have mistakenly shared their password and not requested a new one are subject to the loss of their ClearStar Membership.

*So please check one of the following...

I have never shared my Password
I mistakenly shared my Password - Please assign me a new one.


Please click the Submit Payment button above only once - your encrypted data will be sent. And...

Thank you for your membership in, and support of ClearStar Security Network.
Together, we are making a positive difference in our industry!

-- Jay E. Long, Founder and Executive Director

Optional message from you to CSN:


[Copyrite 1998, ClearStar Security Network]