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Re: LOCKED NORRIS - Victor-type safe?

Posted by Ken Dunckel Safecracker Boxman on February 21, 2009 at 06:54:42:

In Reply to: LOCKED NORRIS - Victor-type safe?
posted by
Bill Dixon, New Westminster on February 19, 2009 at 11:52:49:

Bill, your stethoscope will definitely pick up mechanical noises from inside the safe but it will be useless to you.

Contrary to what seems to be accepted mythology around safe opening, there are no faint but distinctly different sounds that occur inside a safe lock as one turns the dial while listening intently. There are sounds to be heard, but very seldom is there any kind of noise that gives a solid clue to a combination number setting.

The process used by safe openers is called manipulation, and it requires sight sound and touch, but mostly it requires prior knowledge of the design of the lock in the safe at hand.

Go ahead and have a try at opening your safe, though. If you look around on web and elsewhere you might even find enough info to get at least a basic understanding of manipulation.

If you do, you'll be outdoing a lot of people in my industry who constantly tell everyone who will listen how interested they are in safes and safe locks, but alway have some mumbling excuse when asked why they never learned to manipulate, or if they learned, why they don't use their learning. Good luck.
Ken Dunckel

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