Posted by Doug MacQueen CPS CMS on February 06, 2009 at 12:02:20:
In Reply to: Predictions on Safe of the Future posted by |
Scott, safe building has always been for the most part, a reactive process. Once a new attack method is used or bought to light, attempts are made to prevent it. There are both key and combination locks that were made well over 100 years ago that have never been anyone. Composite safes are not new idea and for that matter include that old wood and sheet metal chest. Composite safes (meaning layed or made of different materials made in the 1850's were often as thick as your modern "composite safes". The use of the term "oomposite" started beck around 1960 to differentiate them from solid steel plate safes which had become so popular for burglary protection here in the US. There have been some new materials used but for the part there hasn't much new in safe construction for over 100 years. So the problem that needs to be solved is how to see into the future and find out what new techniques will be used, then try and prevent it. I don't know about the Star Trek force field but maybe someone will try the Tesla vibrator. Doug |