Posted by Joan Yarrington on February 04, 2009 at 14:07:31:
In Reply to: Re: HPC Punch 1200PCH posted by |
He may not be a member as his signature indicates he is new to the trade. However, saying that, Shawn, you may want to try a trial membership here. Meanwhile, back to your original question, The punch does the mjrity of keys that can be done on the HPC Blitz but cannot do parcentric keys. The way I've gotten around these, when needed, wass to use a blank the machine would cut wiht no problem which is the same length as, say, a Y1, and cut those depths on say, an SC1 using the spacing for the Y1 and dupe the SC1 to the Y1 blanks for however many copies I need. Around here, there are far more SC1, KW1 and others that I don't really have to worry much about it. You will also have problems with the Y6 and some others, but for the most part, that's the major drawback. I can and do cut all automotive keys except, of course the high security type, using my punch. You need a differennt machine for those even if you have the 1200 unless you purchase attachments. Another con is it may be a tad slower for you than the 1200. On the upside, you don't need any power but what was given you at birth, so if lightning strikes a power source or you're out your car battery dies, you can still make a key. Also, if you have a job in a high-rise you can take the machine with you to cut a key to a filing cabinet or door on the 10th floor instead of rnning back to your veicle to cut a key. I don't know where you are located, but if you're in farm territory, the punch comes in handy if the lock you need to make a key for is a good distance away rom your vehcle and you can't get your vehicle close to said job. ou can just take your machine with you. I know of a fair number of locksmiths who have both the HPC 1200 and the punch "just in case" and the punch has come in handy at times for them. If you aare just starting out and using a car and don't have much room, then with the punch you needen't worry about fitting an inverter in somewhere. Joan