Trial Membership : Exclusions & Limitations

The core of ClearStar consists of 2 primary elements...

  1. The Members
  2. The Forums

The membership of ClearStar consists of the best of the best in our industry. Nowhere else is such an outstanding assembly of Locksmiths, Safe-Techs and Auto-Smiths gathered together in one place.

And what we do best is help one another. This is done primarily through our Forums where any technical or business questions that can possibly be thought of are addressed and answered by these experts and emerging experts. If you want to reach the highest levels of your chosen field then you will be found associating with the individuals on ClearStar, most of whom are also members of ALOA and or SAVTA.

                      ALOA : Associated Locksmiths of America

                     SAVTA : Safe & Vault Technicians Association

As a Trial Member you are entitled to participate on these Forums - with one exception - the Marketplace Forum. Trial Members can read the forum but are not permitted to add posts to the forum. The Marketplace is where many trade and non-trade related items are bought and sold daily. Amazing bargains are often available - but only if you are a Full Member, not a Trial Member. At any given time there are members who are retiring and need to sell their tools, equipment and inventory. The participants in our Marketplace Forum are, and need to continue being accountable over a longer period of time than that afforded by a Trial Membership. This is the reason for the restriction on participation.

Another financial-related off limits area is the ClearStar Auctions. There is nowhere near the activity in the Auctions that there is in the Marketplace but every now and then some great bargains appear there for the Members to bid on.

One final area Trial Members are excluded from is the ClearStar Resources. You can view the titles of what is available but you cannot view or download the content of those hundreds of pdf files, including the Carl Cloud Safe & Vault Education Directory. Many of these resources have been created by the ClearStar Members themselves. You must be a full ClearStar Member before you can access this material.

Note on photo uploads:
Trial Members may not upload photos to the ClearStar server.

Other than the 3 areas in red text above you are free to use all the other restricted-access areas of ClearStar. The premier of these (beside the Forums) is the ClearStar archives. The archives are accessed by clicking the word "Search" on the bottom row of the navigation bar (identical to the graphic at the top of this page). The archives contain over 15 years of searchable material - both text and photos - generated by the Members from all the ClearStar technical Forums including the...

When you have a technical or business related question, check the Searchable Archives first, then ask any remaining questions on the appropriate Forum. Be sure to add your name at the bottom of your posted question or comments. Once you become a Full Member, that identifying information is added automatically.

When you're ready to Upgrade your Trial Membership simply click the Full ClearStar Membership graphic below and you are good to go.

                               Welcome aboard,

ClearStar Security Network